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302-478-7100 Wilmington & Hockessin, DE

Ruth Irene Jeffries

Ruth Irene Jeffries, 87, passed away on December 23, 2024, in Elkton, MD. Born in 1937, Ruth aka “Tut” was a cherished member of her community, known for her warm, sweet personality, and big-hearted generosity.

Ruth graduated from Wilson Joint High School in West Lawn, PA, worked in banking in Reading, PA, and later retired from Occidental Chemical Corporation, Delaware City Plant where she was a secretary.

Tut was deeply involved in her community, particularly through her volunteer work with the Ladies Auxiliary of the Christiana Care Union Hospital and in the Gift Shop of the Union Hospital in Elkton. She was an active member of Ebernezer Methodist Church of Rising Sun and deeply involved in church activities that included serving as the administrative council chair, everyone’s favorite baker for the bake, BBQ, or yard sales, and the sole onion-slicer for the “sub” sandwich sales.

Socially, Tut enjoyed lunches with her Red Bonnet Sisters; and she was an avid boater, frequently seen navigating the waters of the Chesapeake Bay aboard the classic wooden boats “Dear Heart” or the “Moonraker.” She held several past officer positions with the Richardson Boat Owners Association for more than a decade demonstrating her leadership in organizing many RBOA rendezvous in NY and along the Eastern seaboard.

She leaves behind her husband, Robert Jeffries; her son, Ted Grimes; her daughter, Debbie (and husband Robert) Hershey; step-daughter, Karen Jeffries (and ex-husband Michael Turner); and step-son, Randy (and wife Alicia) Jeffries. Ruth was a beloved “Nana” to Jennifer, Zachary and Randy Lee, and to great-grandchildren: Brayden, Katrelle, Lyssa, Sierra, and Nora. Tut’s memory will be cherished by all who knew her.

A Celebration of Life will be held at Ebernezer Methodist Church in Rising Sun, MD, at 12 o’clock on Saturday, February 22, 2025. A luncheon in the social hall will follow the memorial service. In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Tut and Bob Jeffries are welcomed at the Ebernezer Methodist Church Memorial Fund, PO Box 639, Rising Sun, MD 21911-0639.

Funeral Services

A Celebration of Life will be held at Ebernezer Methodist Church in Rising Sun, MD, at 12 o’clock on Saturday, February 22, 2025. A luncheon in the social hall will follow the memorial service. In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Tut and Bob Jeffries are welcomed at the Ebernezer Methodist Church Memorial Fund, PO Box 639, Rising Sun, MD 21911-0639.


    Marsha D. Sarfert writes,
    Words cannot express my feelings having learned of the recent demise of a very good friend, Tut, and then her dear husband, Bob. Tut and I became friends in first grade. We spent a lot of time together in our 'growing up' years. Her uncle had a horse that he boarded at Lutz's Stables in Wyomissing, which is the town right next to West Wyomissing, where we lived. Her uncle allowed us to take turns riding in the enclosed stable area and we had so much fun. Tut was always happy and we laughed a lot. She and Rob attended every class luncheon we had and that's how I got to know Bob. What a pleasant and fun person! He and Tut were the perfect couple and I am so happy that God now has them together once more. They will be missed.
    02/06/2025 04:11 pm
    Janet Beall writes,
    It is with great sadness that we learned of Tut and Bobs death. We got to know them through the Richardson Boat Owners Assoc. so many years ago. They were always a joy. They planned their vaction time to spend with the group whither it was here in New York or up in Canada. Many good laugh and friends made over the years of the organiztions existence. Bob always loved to go to old boat yards and Tut would have to amonish him not to drag back home a boat to restore. They both helped keep the organization going by filling leadership roles. Our thoughs have always been with them even though the distance between us has kept us apart. Who can helo but have fond memories of Tut and Bob. Everyone that ever knew them will hold them in those memories. Jan and Bill Beall
    02/09/2025 02:39 pm
    Shirley Strohl writes,
    Ruth will be missed . I will remember all the fun times we had all of the Oxy events
    02/16/2025 07:05 pm

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