Chandler Funeral Homes & Crematory Logo

302-478-7100 Wilmington & Hockessin, DE

Robert Kendall Payson

Robert Kendall Payson (Bob), passed away peacefully on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at age 83.

He will be lovingly remembered by his family, his wife of 63 years, Judy, his daughter Valerie (Dave), his son Rob (Peggy), his grandsons, Chase and Matt and his Belgian family, Bart and Lut and their sons, Toby, Sam and Aiden. He was preceded in death by his grandson, John.

Bob was born in Wilmington, DE., son of the late Warren Payson and Marion Dunbrack. He graduated from Conrad High School in 1957 and entered Duke University where he earned his undergraduate degree. He continued his education at Duke Law School, graduating in 1964.

Bob loved good music. During his time at Duke, Bob played trombone in the Duke Ambassadors, a jazz band fronted by his roommate and lifelong friend, Patrick Williams.

In 1966 after 2 years, in the Attorney General’s Office, Bob joined the law firm of Potter, Anderson and Corroon where he spent the remainder of his career as a corporate litigator and lead counsel in many important corporate cases.

Bob loved the law, but his passion was golf. He had golf friends from near and far, and they all loved him and have many stories and most of them true about many holes they played. Bob played as much golf as he could for as long as he could, which according to him wasn’t long enough.

Bob loved his life, his family and his friends, and everybody loved him.

His family wishes to thank the wonderful nurses at Stonegates Health Center who lovingly cared for Bob in his last days.

A Celebration of Life will be held on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 1:00 Pm at the Wilmington Country Club, Greenville, Delaware. For those who are unable to attend, the Celebration of Life will be livestreamed at the link below. Access will be granted by using the Webinar number and password below:

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Webinar number:
2332 425 3579

Webinar password:
biNRnC3r73p (24676237 from phones)

Join by phone
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll

Access code: 233 242 53579

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Funeral Services

A Celebration of Life will be held on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 1:00 Pm at the Wilmington Country Club, Greenville, Delaware. For those who are unable to attend, the Celebration of Life will be livestreamed at the link below. Access will be granted by using the Webinar number and password below:

Join link:

Webinar number:
2332 425 3579

Webinar password:
biNRnC3r73p (24676237 from phones)

Join by phone
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll

Access code: 233 242 53579


    Ted Mirvis writes,
    To Bob's family, I met Bob through legal cases when I was a young lawyer at Wachtell Lipton in NY, and then through golf. Bob invited me to PVGC when I was just starting to play about 30 odd years ago, and I can still remember every hole and Bob's encouragement. I was then lucky to keep up with Bob over many years. Bob was a founding member of the Yom Kippur Open, and joined in the tournament for many years. I'll always remember Bob for his kind manner -- a true gentleman. I never heard an unkind word from him about anything or anyone. I hope that you find comfort over time in many good memories, and in the certain knowledge that Bob loved his family above all else. Best, Ted
    03/07/2023 10:51 am
    Helen Leounes lit a candle and writes,
    I am so sorry to learn of Bob’s passing. He was a wonderful friend since our childhood. May his memory be eternal!
    03/08/2023 08:52 am
    Bart Hendrickx lit a candle and writes,
    Last week, we had to say goodbye to a great man. I was privileged and proud to call him Dad for almost forty years and to our kids he was Dawee. Next to a loving father figure, he was a great influence for good in my life and gave it unexpected direction. We did not see eye to eye on politics but inspire and make you think he did. He will always be in our hearts. Rest in peace Dad. Bart and Lut and kids
    03/09/2023 02:11 pm
    Roland Severijns lit a candle and writes,
    Dear Mom, dear Judy It’s been such a long time since we last met each other in Belgium at Bart en Lut’s. We indeed still share a mutual godchild, our beautiful Sam. And we’ve always had a kind of mutual understanding even without speaking. Bart and Lut told me of the way you had to lose a faithful and lifelong husband and friend. We’re sorry that Dad is no longer with us. This message to let you know that in our hearts and thoughts we are with you and that we think of you and wish you all the courage and strength to go on, surrounded by family and friends. Yours Roland Severijns
    03/13/2023 05:47 am
    Toby Hendrickx lit a candle and writes,
    Some knew him as Bob, or Dad, but to my brothers and me, he was and will always be Dawee. Living in the U.S. as kids, Dawee was just as much a granddad for us as our grandparents in Belgium. He is part of the fondest memories of my childhood. He would make the three of us giggle and scream with joy by making faces, tickling us or playing “got your nose”. Being allowed to sit next to Dawee at the table or in the couch was the greatest privilege possible to us. On our frequent trips up to Wilmington we would look forward to playing pool with Dawee, and on the many trips to Avalon we would always love spending time with him in the den – usually watching golf – while he would try to explain to us kids the difference between a bogey and a birdie. To the whole family, but especially to Nanny: I’m very sorry for your loss and I’m keeping you in my thoughts. I’m incredibly grateful that Dawee was a part of my life, and that I have such warm memories of him that I will cherish forever. He’ll always be in my heart. I’ll miss you Dawee, wherever you are, I hope you rest in peace. Love, Toby
    03/13/2023 03:02 pm
    Aiden Hendrickx lit a candle and writes,
    Growing up in the States, away from our Belgian family, Nanny and Dawee (or Bob and Judy, as most people know them) were real grandparents to us. Even though I was only seven years old when we moved away, the countless trips to Avalon and Wilmington are some of my fondest childhood memories. I can still hear Dawee's voice rumbling from his den, yelling "Where's my boy?". I am eternally grateful for the wonderful childhood I was able to have, growing up with a granddad like Dawee. My heart goes out to Nanny, Val, Rob, Peggy and the rest of the family, which I am so proud to be a part of. My life wouldn't be the same without all of you in it. I hope you get to play as much golf as you want up there Dawee, some day I might join you for some lessons. You'll be missed. Love, "Your boy", Aiden
    03/15/2023 06:56 am
    Cookie Bell McConaghie lit a candle and writes,
    I was so sorry to learn of Bob’s passing. I was Bob’s first secretary, assigned to him at Potter Anderson & Corroon in 1965 until I left in 1974 to have my first son. Bob was such a joy to work with and I will always remember him for his kind and gentle demeanor. He was a breath of fresh air in the sometimes stodginess of an old school law firm. Though I haven’t seen him in decades, I will always have wonderful memories of those years we worked together. My sincere condolences to Judy, Valerie, and Robbie. Love and peace to you all.
    09/14/2023 08:56 am

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