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302-478-7100 Wilmington & Hockessin, DE

LTG William Duncan, MD (DE NG Ret.)

LTG William Duncan, MD (DE NG Ret.), age 88, passed away on December 19, 2018.

William Herbert Duncan was an exemplary physician, soldier, husband, and father. His dual careers informed each other and he demonstrated pioneering leadership in both.

William was born in 1930 in Wilmington, DE to the late Colonel Silas Blake Irwin Duncan and Elmira Newell Duncan. He was a graduate of West Point Class of 1952. He married the late Doris May Goodley on June 6, 1952, just a few days after graduating. He later married Beth Rhodes, MD, MBA, on September 24, 2005. He served in the Army during the Korean War. Upon his return from the service, he attended Temple University School of Medicine, graduating in 1959. In 1959, he began practice of Family and Community Medicine at 2417 Silverside Rd. in North Wilmington. He and Doris raised three children, Charles Irwin, an electrical engineer; Laurie Jay Duncan McClearen, registered nurse; and William Maurice, electrical engineer. He is also survived by his brother Newell, 96, three nephews, and one great-nephew.

William served in the Pennsylvania National Guard and was promoted to the rank of Major of Infantry as the Operations and Training Officer of the 111th Infantry Regiment. Later, under his auspices, the Delaware National Guard’s 116th MASH hospital began to attract talented physicians and nurses. In 1974, he became commander of the 261st Signal Battalion, and in 1974 was federally recognized as a Major General. He retired from the Guard in 1987. During his 35-year military career, General Duncan was awarded the Army Distinguished Service Medal, the highest non-valor medal that can be awarded. He was also recognized with the State of Delaware Conspicuous Service Cross (five awards)—Delaware’s highest ranking medal—as well as the Delaware Medal for Military Merit (eight awards), and the state honorary Rank of Lieutenant General on retirement. Related activities included service as Chairman of the National Guard Heritage Painting Committee, as well as Founder and Chairman Emeritus of the Delaware Military Heritage and Education Foundation. He also was an active member of the Medical Society of Delaware, and was a past president.

He was Director of Emergency Services at the Wilmington Hospital Center prior to 1975, and a member of the management team that developed what was to become Christiana Hospital Center.

In 1975, Dr. Duncan took the position of V.P. for Medical Affairs at St. Francis Hospital in Wilmington. He served from 1975-1993 and received commendation from the Board of Trustees for his administration of the hospital’s medical and dental staff.  He also was a Fellow of the American College of Health Care Executives.

For a very complete detailing of Bill’s career, please access the resume provided by the National Guard.

But here, I want to share a bit of who and what Bill Duncan was.  Everyone wanted to know him, be around him, learn from him, and be acknowledged by him. To my daughter Kristina and me, he was the kindest, gentlest, most generous, and patient husband and dad we both have known. He was a committed and loving father to her; and a kind and devoted husband to me. He and late wife, Doris, raised three impressive and accomplished children from that marriage.

I met Bill across a table at a lunch hosted by a Delaware National Guard Recruiter. One of my co-workers thought it would be “fun” to join the Delaware Guard and had invited me to come with her. When it came time to sign on, I showed up and she didn’t, so that was that, as they say. At first, I knew Bill as a respected physician leader and mentor at St. Francis Hospital—he was their Vice President for Medical Affairs–and then peripherally interacted with him through Guard Summer Camps and events as our medical unit supported the missions of the 261st Signal Brigade, of which he was their commanding General.  Over the ensuing years, I learned of the high esteem with which he was held by so many in Delaware. When I was accepted to medical school, it was largely due to his mentorship and guidance—and probably a few twisted arms. He helped my family, and, especially, my late sister, when they were in need. When I graduated from medical school, he hosted my family at a pre-graduation luncheon, then disappeared, and it was thirteen years until I saw him again. I contacted him in late 2001 to share some sad news about my family. He invited my mother and me to lunch.  He later shared with us that he had lost his dear wife. We began a new friendship which was immeasurably enriched by his support of my decision to adopt a daughter, and we both cried when I told him about her. He later became the only father Kristina has ever known. He met us at the airport when we arrived, and was a supportive and devoted father figure for her until and after we married in 2005—following a marriage proposal which took place with him on bended knee in my garage with my dogs in attendance.

A hospitalization in 2006 for the first aortic aneurysm surgery for the disorder that would eventually take his life resulted in a 3 AM conversation with an ICU nurse who told him God put him on this earth for a purpose and he had to survive to meet that purpose. At that moment, he dedicated his life to making sure Kristina was supported and loved. A subsequent hospitalization for devastating complications following an auto accident involving Kristina and himself brought us back to Delaware in late 2008 for life-saving care not available where we lived. The physicians and staff of the Wilmington and Christiana Hospitals returned him to good health and we remained in Delaware. Fast forward to Sunday, when he suffered a true aortic rupture. There was some discussion about whether he would be strong enough to get through the surgery. I knew he would, because I knew how strong he was and how much he had fought through before. I was right. Thanks to heroic efforts by EMS, the Christiana ER, his dear friend and vascular surgeon, and the ICU staff, his life was saved. But the damage to his system was too much to overcome, and over the next three days, like a true soldier, he slipped away from us. This gentle yet strong, kind, loving and heroic man. He is with God now, and will be in my heart forever.

Donations may be made to any of the following: Friendship House,  Claymont Community Center, Talleyville Fire Company, or Christ Church Christiana Hundred Outreach Committee.



Funeral Services

Visitation will be on Thursday December 27, 2018 from 5:00-8:00PM at Chandler Funeral Home, 2506 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE. Services will be on Friday December 28 at 11:00AM at Christ Church Christians Hundred, 505 Buck Rd., Greenville, DE. Interment will be 2:00PM on Monday December 31 at Delaware Veteran Cemetery, Bear, DE.


    Reverend. George. Karney writes,
    Dr Duncan was one of the most accomplished man I know. He was also very modest. Visiting him was always a treat. He contributed to our nation and our medical community. He loved his family and his church. Those who knew him were truly blessed May he Rest In Peace with God ‘s perpetual light Peace to those he loves George Karney
    12/21/2018 10:32 pm
    Caren Bond (Quigley) lit a candle and writes,
    My father, Colonel Leonard W. Quigley, had the utmost respect for General Duncan. He served in the 116th MASH unit and again in the 261st Signal Battalion. My sincere condolences to you and your family.
    12/23/2018 07:11 am
    Lawrence Miller lit a candle and writes,
    General Duncan's passing most certainly leaves a tremendous void in the ranks of the Delaware Army National Guard. He was my chief medical support for the OCS Summer Camps (ADT) and he provided an excellent staff of Nurses and technicians for the Infirmary. General Duncan and I (others too) sat on several committees such as the first Honors Dinner. This was a professional in every way. He always had time for some problem solving advice whether from an Officer Candidate to a fellow General Officer. I had the honor of learning so very much from him. He and Doris were always ready to assist. I can say no much more than LTG Bill Duncan was a Leader, Friend, Confidant, Officer and Gentleman. "Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light always shine upon him. May his souls and the souls of all the faithfully departed, through the Divine Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen." - LTC State( Ret) Larry Miller
    12/23/2018 05:30 pm
    Jennifer Shumway lit a candle and writes,
    I have known Laurie for 6 years and got a chance to make a trip up to Delaware with her for a long weekend. I got to meet her Dad and family, they are such great people and her father will be missed! My prayers to all ❤
    12/23/2018 09:27 pm
    Alva Hemshrot writes,
    Dr. Duncan certainly was a kind, caring gentle man. It was my pleasure to be his secretary for several years at the Wilmington Medical Center before 1975.
    12/24/2018 10:32 am
    Chuck Weber writes,
    I served as his commandant in the 80's. Excellent commander. One of the best of the DEARNG leaders. RIP
    12/26/2018 12:53 pm
    Colette Croze lit a candle and writes,
    We were saddened to learn of Bill's death, having known him from his time at Bay View Beach. He was a good friend, wonderful neighbor, and outstanding President of the Board for the Bay View Improvement Company (BVIC). He gave tirelessly of his time, intelligence, and commitment in the interest of improving our beach community. His legacy continues in many ways. Bill Anthony, President BVIC and Colette Croze, Treasurer BVIC.
    12/26/2018 12:56 pm
    Carl Witte lit a candle and writes,
    General Duncan, MD was a patriot, leader, healer, motivator, historian, devoted family man, and friend. He served, and will continue to serve as an inspiration to those who knew him, and those who will follow. On behalf of his Companion's in the Military Order of the World Wars and the Military Officer Association of America we pay homage to the memory of our departed hero. The warmth of his love for his fellow man and his country will long be remembered. Carl Witte, LTC (USA Ret) Commander Wilmington Chapter. MOWW
    12/26/2018 04:03 pm
    Deborah mergenthaker writes,
    A gracious man A wonderful Physician A wonderful boss!! He took St.Francis to a HOGHER LEVEL hospital to be associated with. Rest in peace Dr. DUNCAN
    12/26/2018 09:47 pm
    Leon and Margaret Slocomb writes,
    Leon was in Bill’s P. S. DuPont class of 1947 and wants to send love, prayers and sympathy to the family. He was a wonderful man to all who knew him and we wish to send support in your passage of great loss. Sincerely, Leon and Margaret Slocomb
    01/22/2019 11:05 am

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