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302-478-7100 Wilmington & Hockessin, DE

Karen O. Goodwin

Karen Grace (Olsen) Goodwin succumbed to her decade long battle with cancer, passing on February 23, 2024, while in the comfort of Delaware Hospice.  Karen was the only child of Norman and Mary Olsen.  She is survived by her husband, Kevin, of 35 years, and several cousins.

Karen grew up in Rahway, NJ where she graduated from high school in 1970.  She went on to attend and earn a BS in Speech Pathology from Kean University in NJ in 1974; returning later to earn a MS in the same field in 1981.  Between degrees, she taught at the Bergen Center, a school for children with special needs.  From there she held different jobs, twice working as an insurance specialist for doctors she was seeing for vision or allergies.  She decided to become a full-time homemaker in 1989.

Karen spent several summers working at the Silver Bay YMCA Conference Center in upstate New York.  At 9:00pm on July 4th in the summer of 1974, she first met the man she would marry – 14 years later.  As he tells the story, they met because OPEC would not sell the USA oil after supporting Israel in the Yum Kippur war.  She preferred to mention the fact she still had every letter that Kevin ever wrote to her; none from any other beau.

Karen enjoyed her dedicated involvement with both Walk to Emmaus, where she had the pleasure of serving as a Lay Director for a Women’s weekend and Marriage Encounter, where they were the regional Finance couple for years.  When her husband got involved with national parts of the United Methodist church, she became his important helping hand.  Karen was a life-long Methodist and was a member of the Hockessin United Methodist Church since getting married and joining Kevin in Delaware, where he was employed by DuPont.

Karen’s Celebration of Life will be held at 11:00am on March 14, 2024 at the Hockessin United Methodist Church, 7250 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin, DE 19707.  In lieu of flowers, donations to the Goodwin Family Scholarship Fund at Africa University, part of the United Methodist Church is requested.  Gifts can be sent to the Africa University Development Office PO Box 340007 Nashville, TN 37203-0007.

Funeral Services

Karen’s Celebration of Life will be held at 11:00am on March 14, 2024 at the Hockessin United Methodist Church, 7250 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin, DE 19707.


    Sheila Suddeth lit a candle and writes,
    My name is Sheila Suddeth, and I am the new Executive Assistant for Mr. James Salley, here at Africa University Development Office. I would like to send my condolences to you and know that you are in my prayers.
    03/01/2024 12:14 pm
    Lauranette Ford lit a candle and writes,
    Kevin, May God's love and the sweet memories comfort you in these difficult times. Our condolences to you and the rest of your family. Regards, Lauranette Sweeney Ford, Africa University Development Office
    03/01/2024 12:26 pm
    Elsie Cunningham lit a candle and writes,
    Kevin, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Please accept my deepest sympathy. I am praying for you and your family. Elsie Cunningham, Africa University Development Office.
    03/01/2024 12:53 pm
    Karen and Bob lit a candle and writes,
    Can't imagine what you're going through with losing Dad and then your precious Karen the following day. I know she was the love of your life. The best comfort comes from Scripture. Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?" John 11:25 Praise God Karen believed and had a relationship with Jesus her Savior! For you my brother, "The Lord is near the brokenhearted and saves those crushed in spirit." Ps 34:18. Love you!
    03/01/2024 09:25 pm
    Bob Green writes,
    Dear Brother Kevin, We are in sorrow with you in the loss of our dear Karen Grace. What a gentle, caring and loving person she was to be sure. As in life and in the face of our greatest enemy, Karen lived and died with such faith, hope and love… The grace of Christ was so evident in her life as well as in her suffering. We are so thankful that for believers in Jesus Christ sorrow, pain and suffering are mingled together with, peace, hope and joy, the gift of God’s presence through the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 We rejoice with you our dear brother for the great and precious promises of God to us given in His Word. That we have be born again into a living hope by God’s mercies through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that cannot perish, is undefined, reserved in heaven for us who believe. 1 Peter 1:3 That living hope is the very fact that one day we will see Christ as He is and be like Him. 1 John 3:1-3. What we long for by faith is Karen’s glorious reality! To be absent from the body is to be present with Christ! 2 Corinthians 5:8 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Psalm 116:15 Knowing that He who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into His glorious presence. 2 Corinthians 4:14 Weeping endures for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Our dear Brother, your sister and I miss Karen, yet we have full confidence that she is whole and in joy awaiting the coming Resurrection, when all the redeemed will be safely home together. We pray that our Father of compassion, the God of all comfort will comfort your heart through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit during this temporary separation of your true love, Karen Grace! Brother, your love and long, unselfish devotion and care for Karen has been a great testimony of Christ’s love in you and your Christ-like love for your wife. Ephesians 5:25-32 Blessings Brother, Your Sister Karen & Bob Green
    03/01/2024 10:24 pm
    Wendy Walton Reichenbach writes,
    What memories we shared at RHS, dear friend! I’ll treasure those memories of our school days together and days of piano lessons at Miss Maury’s home. You’ll be missed, dear Karen! My heartfelt condolences are with you, Kevin.
    03/04/2024 05:08 pm
    Beverly Barker writes,
    So many great Emmaus memories came to mind when I read of Karen's passing. We had hilarious, tiring and emotional times as "Angels" at Childs. I always looked forward to joking with her at meetings and then on those weekends, especially when things went crazy. You will be in our prayers, especially on Thursday. Bev
    03/08/2024 06:40 pm
    Kimberly K Hockman lit a candle and writes,
    I am so so glad I got to see Dear Karen just days before she passed. Even though I've been living at a distance for almost 4 years now, and Karen has not been in my daily life of late (except in prayer), I simply cannot imagine a world without Karen in it. She has been at every major (and not so major, yet meaningful) event in the life of my family for over 24 years now, and we remained in a small group together across the miles. I am sorry I couldn't be around more in recent years, but our few visits were fun (and pumpkin-pancake filled). I will so miss my dear sister in Christ. The last time we had breakfast, Karen actually told me the story of how she and Kevin met and eventually got married. Kevin- You were/are the love of her life. Always and Forever. I'll "look in on ya from time to time". I know it's gonna be a hard time to come for a while. Okay, maybe a long while. Take comfort in your faith and lean on your friends. Grieve well, my friend. You'll remain in my prayers.
    03/08/2024 07:46 pm

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