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302-478-7100 Wilmington & Hockessin, DE

Joanne Hudson Simacek

Joanne Hudson Simacek (76), passed away with her loving husband Paul E. Simacek by her side on January 22, 2019. Joanne was born in 1942 to Josephine Devenney and Earl Hudson of Wilmington DE.

She graduated from P. S. DuPont H.S. where she met lifelong friends.  Joanne continued her education at Goldey-Beacom College where she used the knowledge she learned to become a successful business women at Hercules and Bernard. She worked at St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Wilmington, DE where she cooked for the priests. Joanne lived a very full life filled with love, laughter while always enjoying her family and friends. Joanne and Paul found love later in life. They enjoyed family, traveling, friends and Ocean City but most of all they enjoyed each other. They made beautiful magic together which included Joanne’s ventriloquism and performed for Believe in Tomorrow Children’s Foundation, nursing homes, VFW’s or wherever they were requested. Joanne was a classy dressed woman that LIVED/LOVED CHRISTMAS where she spoiled family and friends with gifts wrapped to perfection. QVC will be lost without Joanne, their queen of shopping. Joanne was a successful business woman that always gave people a chance to achieve their goals. Joanne loved to cook in her down time, especially ham and cabbage and bean soup while hosting amazing dinner parties. Joanne lived to take care of her Paul, family and friends.  Joanne had a wonderful sense of humor that made everyone in her presence day so wonderful. Joanne’s belief in our Lord allowed her to see the best in people and all events happening in the world. God just received a TRUE ANGEL to watch over all her loved ones. Love always to our Joanne who is missed and always loved.

Joanne is survived by her husband Paul E. Simacek, step daughter Danielle Simacek (Charles) of Chesapeake Beach, MD, nephew Adam C. Savage of Frisco, CO, niece Sharon L. Hudson of Millsboro, DE and niece Kendra LaFazia (Anthony) of Middletown, DE.  She is also survived by her cousins, Jane Meder and Guy Devenney (Ruth) of Dover, DE, Shirley Hathorn Hubley (Clyde) of Oxford, PA, Lois Hathorn Witmeyer (Rick) of Hockessin, DE and Melvin Hathorn (Nancy Green) of Cromwell, CT. She is survived by many other close 2nd and 3rd cousins and many friends from Pennsylvania to Montana.

A Celebration of Life will be held on Monday, January 28, 2019 at Chandler Funeral Home, Hockessin, 7230 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin, DE 19707 where friends may visit beginning at 10:00 am.










Funeral Services


Celebration of Life on Monday January 28, 2019 at 11:00 am

Chandler Funeral Home, 7230 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin

Friends may visit with the family beginning at 10:00 am










    Arlene Corrigan writes,
    Will be missed by all that knew Joanne at Maureen's Salon,with Fond memories.
    01/25/2019 09:11 am
    Esther Powell lit a candle and writes,
    Joanne was an amazing woman and an awesome friend. Paul and Joanne were truly soul mates. I will miss her greatly. The world will lose a little more light now that she has passed on.
    01/25/2019 10:29 am
    Pat Leipold lit a candle and writes,
    I met Joanne many years ago when we both worked at Hercules. She was a very good person. My sympathy and prayers go out to her family. God now holds you in his hands.
    01/25/2019 11:11 am
    Denise McConnell lit a candle and writes,
    I met Joanne through my mother in the late ‘80s. I instantly fell in love with her and she quickly became a treasured aunt. Joanne had the biggest heart of anyone I’ve known. She had so much love in her heart and she freely and unquestionably gave that love to anyone she thought needed it. I share so many wonderful memories of her with my mother. Although we live in SC, she was always close in our hearts. I’m so glad we went for a visit this past November. She definitely lived a life that should be celebrated and I feel so blessed to have had her in my life. Paul, my deepest condolences are with you. If you ever need anything please know that you can always call on Mom and I.
    01/25/2019 12:28 pm
    D. Anne Hayman writes,
    I knew Joanne years ago when our families were members of Eastlake OP Church at 27th & Market St. Sad to hear of her passing, but she is in a better place now. May all who remain find comfort in The Lord in His Word and be assured you will see her again. She knew me as Dottie. Blessings to you all in your loss. Respectfully, Anne Hayman
    01/26/2019 09:32 am
    Paul Simacek, Danielle and Charlie lit a candle and writes,
    Joanne, we thank you as the "Simacek's" for coming in our lives. Joanne you were a remarkable classy woman, wife, mother and our loving caretaker. We celebrate our cherished memories full of love and laughter. Joanne you taught us the best bargains for the buck off QVC. Now in all seriousness, Joanne you cared and loved us so much. For your Paul, you spoiled him so much with pure true love while putting him always first before yourself. For your Danielle, you had an open heart calling us mother and daughter even after a rocky start. Joanne you always loved me with an open heart and arms while waiting for me to deal with my mother’s death. When I had road blocks, falls, and failures you were always there as my rock. Joanne you were my biggest cheerleader who only let me aim for the stars and nothing less. I will hear your voice and pep talk when I get discouraged in this world BUT I will get back up and make you proud. For your Charlie, you saw right past the tattoos and recognized the beautiful man he is, while always pushing him to be "THE BEST OF THE BEST". Thank you for being in our lives on this earth and now our heavenly angel. Love always The Simacek’s.
    01/26/2019 09:53 am
    Sylvia and Al Scalzo writes,
    Our hearts are heavy with the loss of our close friend Joanne. Both she and her husband Paul along with the two of us have had so many fabulous excursions together, we will so miss that now. Thank God we still have Paul! We enjoyed many, many laughs (thanks Paul) as well as many enthusiastic discussions! Add a beer or two and a glass of wine and we were always good to go. Much fun was had. IN TRIBUTE TO JOANNE: How far you go In life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these. "George Washington Carver" And, thus we have defined our darling Joanne with God's Love.
    01/26/2019 10:32 am

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