Jane Zaharko died peacefully September 29, 2018, at age 92. She was born in 1926 in Seattle, WA, with the majestic beauty of Mount Rainier looming near. Janie had a joyful, playful spirit, delighting always in the beauty of the world around her, amused by the humor of human behavior, and always kind and loving. Her vibrant spirit brought life to many an occasion.
Janie married the love of her life, Joe D. Zaharko, whom she met while a student of Russian studies at the University of Washington. At age 19, she traveled by train from Seattle with her wedding gown beneath her arm, to be married in Wilmington, DE, on September 1, 1945.
She played classical piano throughout her life, filling a happy household with the joyful sound of great music every day, often accompanied by Joe on mandolin. She enjoyed playing tennis at the DuPont Country Club, served on the Junior Board of Christiana Care for many years, attended classes at the Academy of Life Long Learning for 25 years, and assisted with the choir music at her church for many years. As a former Campfire Girl, Janie played the bugle, which she used to call her children home, much to their consternation. She also played her bugle to herald the end of the Vietnam War at 10 pm on a Sunday night, to the neighbors’ surprise. Prior to air conditioning, she played Christmas carols in July to stay cool. Wooden spoons were Janie’s weapon of child punishment, 28 of which were found behind the piano.
A quiet activist, Janie initiated petitions for needed traffic lights and I-95 sound barriers.She loved dark chocolate, which she enjoyed every day of her long life. She loved poetry and could recite many poems from memory. She was a prolific writer of family stories, contained in a treasured 2 inch thick volume lovingly known as “The Family Book”. Her Xmas letters were legendary. She was a wonderful correspondent with her many friends throughout her life. Fluent in French and Russian, she enjoyed her European travels. She loved life, was a friend to everyone she met and never said an unkind word. She was a kind, sweet, intelligent, loving person who always saw the good in people. Her sunny disposition, happy demeanor, and enthusiasm for life, endeared her to all who knew her.
The family extends a special thank you to the wonderful staff at Foulk Manor North for their loving care of Janie.
Janie was predeceased by her beloved Joe in 2003. She is survived by their three children, Patricia, Wilmington, DE, Wendy, M. D., Aspen, CO, Eric (Diane), Collierville, TN; 3 grandchildren, Zachary (Kelsey), Collierville, TN, Gabriella, Tuscany, Italy, Andrea, Boulder, CO. Her first great grandchild, Shepard Joseph, Collierville, TN was born last week. Services will be held at Immanuel Episcopal Church, Highlands, on Thursday, November 8th, at 11 am. A celebration of Janie’s life reception will be held at 12:30 pm at the DuPont Country Club, Rockland Road, Wilmington, DE. In Janie’s memory, contributions may be made to Brandywine Public Library or Immanuel Episcopal Church, Highlands, or consider a random act of kindness.