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302-478-7100 Wilmington & Hockessin, DE

G. Elizabeth Lauber

G. Elizabeth (Liz) Lauber, age 76 of Wilmington, DE passed away peacefully following a sudden illness on March 18, 2018.


Liz was the daughter of Edward and Gladys Kendall Fluharty. She was preceded in death by her husband Harold (Bud) Lauber.


Liz was Music Director/organist, choir director at St Mark’s Lutheran Church in Wilmington. She was in her 53rd year of service at the time of her death.


Liz graduated from the University of Delaware with a degree in Music. She was a gifted musician who taught music in the pubic schools, taught private students, served as an accompanist, and was monthly organist for Sunday church services at the Country House in Wilmington. Liz also graciously played or was soloist for all her extended family weddings, funerals and celebrations.


During her career, Liz sang in several groups, including Madrigal Singers and Chorale Delaware. Her professional associations included membership in the American Guild of Organists.


Liz touched so many lives with her music, her sense of humor, her joy for life and her easy friendship.


Her life priorities were her family, her friends and her church. Her most valued role was as grandmother. She will be remembered for her abundance of love.


She leaves to cherish her memories; sons Mark Lauber and fiancé Veronica of Newark DE and Peter Lauber and wife Yolanda of Bear DE; grandchildren Brandon, Nicholas and Silvana Lauber; sister Janice Fluharty Knotts of Hickory NC and brother Kendall Fluharty of Fishers IN.


A celebration of life will be held on Saturday, March 24th at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Wilmington, with receiving at 1:00 pm and service at 2:00 pm.


In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Organ Fund, 501 Duncan Road, Wilmington DE 19809.





Funeral Services



A celebration of life will be held on Saturday, March 24th at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Wilmington, with receiving at 1:00 pm and service at 2:00 pm.


In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Organ Fund, 501 Duncan Road, Wilmington DE 19809.






    Kimlynn Patterson Corder writes,
    Mark and Peter, I was so sad to hear of your Mom's passing. I remember your family moments when we were neighbors on Harmony Road. She was a very busy lady but would always stop and chat with me. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers today and always.
    03/22/2018 01:21 pm
    Silvana Lauber lit a candle and writes,
    She was my grandmother whom I loved so dearly. We spent many years together and without her I would have been lost. Whenever I get sadness or anger in my heart I remind myself that she is in a better place and is with my grandfather up there in heaven. I miss you dearly grandmom, Rest In Peace. Love, Silvana
    03/22/2018 01:33 pm
    Ron Herdman writes,
    Liz was a wonderful, loving and caring friend. It was a blessing and a privilege to have her in my life. She will be sadly missed everyday. Love, Ron
    03/22/2018 02:12 pm
    Jane lit a candle and writes,
    I am so very sorry that Liz has left us. She was generous in spirit, love and time. I have fond memories of her teaching us how to play the chimes, working with me on church services and always ready with a smile. I have no doubt that she is now in heaven's choir. You will be missed. Jane
    03/22/2018 02:12 pm
    Jennifer Lynn Roche lit a candle and writes,
    Liz was a wonderful friend and fellow colleague whose absence and lovely spirit will be greatly missed. I will miss Liz's witticisms and her quick sense of humor. The occasional dinners shared with her, Ski, Ron, & Sue or brownie taste testing at my house. Hers was a light that glowed bright. Now she can illuminate the heavens as a star watching over her loved ones! Miss you Liz! 💖
    03/22/2018 03:43 pm
    Diana Longhenry writes,
    That smile. I will miss that smile. And her hugs. Always asked me to sing for Christmas service - all of them. When StMarks’ contemporary band was in between leaders, she relied on me to lead the melody of all the music we sang; I became the default soloist. Liz loved Bryan’s hugs and his shoulder massages. He’d start to rub her shoulders and her face would just fall and relax. Liz and her chocoholic tendencies. At StMarks, it was Liz and the Chocolate Factory, not Willy Wonka. 😉 Liz was caring, supportive, friendly, always happy to see us, musical in any and every way! We will miss this Delaware, Lutheran, musical, StMark’s treasure.
    03/22/2018 11:29 pm
    Stephen Andersen writes,
    Liz was such a loving and caring person. I still remember the first time I met her and thought a wonderful person. We use to have such great times after choir Patrice back in the 60's. We use to go to Kelly's or Gino's for a burger fries and a shake all for 50 cents. Such great memories of a great person. Rest In Peace my friend. Steve
    03/23/2018 01:23 pm
    Doris Marsilii writes,
    Liz was a dear friend since Bancroft middle school, through Warner Junior High and then Wilmington High school. She was a bridesmaid in my wedding, and was a member of our Wilmington High School reunion committee and working faithfully to bring about all of our class reunions. How quickly the years have passed. How rare to have had a friend these many years. Eternal rest grant unto her, oh Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Farewell my friend.
    03/23/2018 01:50 pm
    Pauline C. DeAscanis lit a candle and writes,
    To Liz’s children and grandchildren: I met Liz when we were in high school. We went to different schools but often played piano at the same dancing schools and other community events. Then, we were music majors together at UD. I even had opportunities to accompany her for our student recitals. Everything that people rave over - her singing, her playing piano and organ, her wonderful sense of humor, her graciousness - is true. She was a wonderful young girl who grew into a real lady! After she had retired from teaching in a school, she substituted for me. My husband was ill and had to be taken to UPenn hospital quite frequently. I could leave my high school students with Liz and know that she would provide them with superb music instruction. That gave me peace of mind. Well, the music scene in Delaware has lost one of its brightest lights, but oh how that heavenly choir will welcome Liz! My thoughts and prayers will be with you, her family as you deal with the loss of this great lady. Sincerely, Pauline (Bunny Citro) DeAscanis
    03/23/2018 02:53 pm
    Traci Borgia lit a candle and writes,
    My deepest condolences to Pete & Family, I hope that you find comfort in knowing that your mom is in a loving, joyful, peaceful place with our Lord and is now reunited with your dad. She is probably already singing in Heavens choir!
    03/23/2018 02:59 pm
    Mara Ezerins writes,
    We had such a special friendship. We shared the ups and downs of teaching at Brookside Elementary. We were the best of friends, Susan, the P. E. Teacher, Ski, our librarian, Ron, classroom teacher, myself the art teacher and our Liz, the music teacher. She was the one that bonded us all together with her calm understanding of our life dramas, with her humor, her non-judgemenal ways ...oh and her chocolate. There was always a stash of sweets somewhere. We would come to school early to share a few moments before students arrived and leave late to talk and laugh...always laugh. Liz was supportive and listened. She lovingly baked her many plates of cookies at Christmas for so many loved ones. She balanced teaching, church work, the karate studio, caring for her family and friends. She loved her family so much. Lucky me to have had such a friend in my you so much Lizzi...til we meet know we will ...our lives were serendipitious...💕
    03/23/2018 03:47 pm
    Doreen Woodward Sonchen writes,
    To the children and grandchildren of Liz Lauber: I have known Liz since our days in the Music Department at the University of Delaware, from 1959 to 1963. We were in many music classes together, sang in concert choir, suffered through many recitals, and were in “Three Penny Opera” (a musical performed by music and theater students). If we were not doing one of the preceding activities, we were enjoying each other’s company. Liz often remarked about how our lives were similar...we both taught elementary music in the Christina School District and played the organ at St. Marks churches (same name, different churches). I shall always remember Liz as always being “upbeat,” friendly, fun-loving and a fine musician. She will be missed by many of her friends. May God bless you at this time. Doreen Woodward Sonchen
    03/23/2018 05:18 pm
    Anne Groo Richardson lit a candle and writes,
    I had the pleasure of meeting Liz when I taught 2nd grade at Brookside. She was always cheerful and happy, teaching her love of music to the children. I connected with her at the annual Christmas Bazaar at St. Mark’s after I retired. Of all the specialists I dealt with in my career, she certainly was the kindest. I will think of her fondly. My sympathies to her family.
    03/23/2018 05:34 pm
    Jeff r. Gordon lit a candle and writes,
    Mark n pete I.m so sorry for the loss of your mom..i.m also without words seeing your dad also has passed.liz was present the night your dad presented me my blackbelt at their ata karate n fitness center on basin rd in new castle.may of 1987..i was in awe of the entire lauber family..i opened my own taekwondo club shorty after and it was only possible by copying the skills of liz n bud who were such incredilble mentors. And thanku mark n pete(especially mark)for those countless hours of teaching me how to be a better and out of the dojo..i pray the good lord will comfort your family in these tough times..
    03/23/2018 09:04 pm
    Tricia Creveling writes,
    Mark & Brandon, I am so sorry for your loss. I remember your mother (grandmother) from when I did karate at your dojo. May she rest in peace. Your family will be in my prayers. Tricia (Tabasso) Creveling
    03/23/2018 10:20 pm
    Anne Sullivan Foote writes,
    Liz played at our wedding November 27, 1971. We have a special memory shared by many other couples as well. Blessings to all as you grieve and celebrate Liz’s life. Anne and Gren Foote, Gladwyne, PA.
    03/24/2018 09:11 am
    Irene Collins lit a candle and writes,
    As Liz's neighbor Irene, she was a wonderful person, with great spirit for family and life. She will be missed.
    03/29/2018 01:19 pm
    Melissa Moss lit a candle and writes,
    I grew up in St Mark’s, and even though I now live in California, I always like to reconnect on my frequent visits to Delaware. One of the highlights was being able to chat with Liz after the service. It just won’t be the same without her presence. My condolences to her family, friends, and the St Mark’s community – may you always find comfort in your faith and joy in your memories.
    04/06/2018 12:21 am
    Michelle Lauber lit a candle and writes,
    My condolences to the loss of her family.
    04/08/2018 01:54 pm
    Alexis Jackson lit a candle and writes,
    Liz was my best friends grandma she was very sweet, although I only met her once there was a light shining on her like the angels giving a radient beam to her. Her piano skills were amazing and I wish I could have heard more than just happy birthday. She was so beautiful! RIP I am posotive Silvana will miss you!
    05/08/2018 08:33 pm
    Margaret MICHINI writes,
    I knew Liz through Bud...I've just learned of the loss of both of them...a great couple and beautiful examples of the Lord's plan for us.. looking forward to seeing them again
    07/24/2020 05:16 pm

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