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302-478-7100 Wilmington & Hockessin, DE

Francisco J. Laborde

Our son, brother, uncle, brother-in-law, nephew, cousin and friend Francisco J. Laborde “Paco” of Philadelphia, PA passed away suddenly on Tuesday the 5th of September, 2023 at the young age of 45.

Born at Thomas Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia on Monday, June 12, 1978, Paco grew up in a home filled with love and tradition in the town of Drexel Hill, Pa., together with his parents and three older sisters. He attended St. Charles Borromeo Grade School and graduated from Monsignor Bonner High School in 1996.

Paco’s fever for adventure and food began with his first trip to Spain at the tender age of two. So many things about those frequent trips to Spain, that were filled with making memories with his parents, sisters, aunts/uncles and cousins, left Paco craving more. He discovered croquetas and jamón ibérico and could have lived on those two things alone if he hadn’t found his other love, Pho.

Paco lived his life passionately loving and spreading his always joyful mood with everyone. Not many people can truly say they love their job, but he did. He is one of the fortunate ones that was able to do what he loved everyday. As a bartender, he was able to connect and spread his contagious laughter, humor, and joy through stories and through his creations with food, he was able to awaken palettes. Losing his license after his first seizure gave Paco a better opportunity to adorn his beloved Philadelphia with his ever famous stickers and led him to appreciate bike rides and walks allowing him to bump into friends or make new ones in his routes. The endless amounts of pictures with family and friends show the true spirit of Paco, always smiling, always loving, living the carefree life that we all desire.

Paco is survived by his parents Francisco and Diane, three sisters, Diana Harper (Conville), Rosa Laborde (Christopher Cain) and Cristina Gray (Daniel), and nieces / nephews Christopher, Claudia, Nick, Rocio, C.J., Cristina, Lola and Lucy.

Paco, you will be deeply missed, but your memory will live on in the hearts of everyone who had the privilege of knowing you. May you find eternal peace, surrounded by the laughter and love you brought to this world.


Funeral Services

In his honor, let us continue to find joy in the simple pleasures of life, just as Paco did every day. A celebration of Paco’s life will be held on the 24th of September, 2023 from 11:00am to 2:00pm at The Blue Ball Barn at Alapocas State Park in Wilmington, Delaware.


    Michelle Skelly writes,
    Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers and sending you hugs during this very difficult time. What an amazing life he led!
    09/14/2023 12:06 pm
    Patricia (penny) Peterman writes,
    I remember Paco as a childhood friend of my son Kevin. It came to our home often. He was a real joy , He was kind, police , thoughtful and i always appreciated the good example of friendship he gave to my son . May he rest in peace. .
    09/14/2023 12:46 pm
    Antonio Cirera Barrios writes,
    Mi más sincero pésame para toda vuestra familia yo tenía amistad con el en Facebook y a sido una lastima el haberlo perdido como persona tan original que era con sus fotos y sus comidas un abrazo muy fuerte para mí primo y diana
    09/14/2023 01:38 pm
    Kait Simons (k8) lit a candle and writes,
    I will miss you forever Paco. You were my favorite neighbor and an amazing friend. I wouldn’t be the person I am without your influence and unwavering encouragement. here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
    09/14/2023 05:19 pm
    Karen Erskine lit a candle and writes,
    May God send you comfort and light as you mourn. I’m so very sorry for your loss.
    09/14/2023 06:30 pm
    Pat and Ken Krauss writes,
    So sad to hear of the loss of you brother, prayers and thoughts are with you all.
    09/14/2023 07:08 pm
    Jarred Epright lit a candle and writes,
    Paco, RIP my good friend! You truly were one in a billion and the most genuine friend I’ll ever have. It pains me to know I’ll never hear that laugh again, but I’ll reflect on the good times and smile and laugh like you would, from deep in your belly… may you sing Mother by Danzig for all the world to hear and wherever you are, may that wagoneer continue to bring memories and adventures to any soul that enters it! I love you paco, Godspeed … Rest in peace… even if you made me eat Bleu Cheese hidden in the hot sauce that one time!
    09/14/2023 07:44 pm
    Jess Barrett writes,
    Forever in my mind and heart, there’s pieces of you woven throughout my life. All my love towards your family and others whose life improved because you were in it.
    09/15/2023 12:05 pm
    Mariana Makoon-Singh lit a candle and writes,
    I never thought I would have to say goodbye to such a young childhood friend. My sister and I grew up with Paco and his sisters and family. So many memories that wove the tapestry of my life. I’m happy to have known him, although I do wish he could have grown older with all of us. Paco, te echaremos mucho de menos…
    09/15/2023 03:49 pm
    Scott Jacobson lit a candle and writes,
    In reading the many condolences and recollections posted about Paco I can't help but feel a certain connection to every single one of them. Paco's kindness and warmth radiated out into the world and filled all those around him. I genuinely cannot recall how we first met, though we had mutual tastes and friends some 25 years ago and whatever warehouse, basement, or art gallery it may have been in we were friends ever since. We shared a love of weird film and music. Lately, we exchanged findings and thoughts on esoteric oddities from across the Internet and YouTube. I'll be forever grateful for having known such a kind soul. My deepest condolences to his family. Please carry his light in you wherever you go.
    09/16/2023 10:19 am
    Inma Fdez-Valencia Laborde lit a candle and writes,
    Paco, Paquito para nosotros, de tus primos de España, de tu familia de Barcelona, siempre en nuestra memoria tu dulce gesto de cariño y tu buena disposición para todo. Nuestro primo pequeño, que disfrutábamos en verano de peques y que luego mis hijos pudieron conocerte en Philadelphia y tener la oportunidad de descubrirte y cogerte el cariño que te tenemos todos. Sentimos muchísimo tu ausencia, todo nuestro cariño para tus padres, tus hermanas, sobrinos, cuñados. Siempre en nuestra memoria, descansa en Paz. Tu prima Inma y Óscar, Ricardo y Álvaro.
    09/18/2023 07:35 am
    Thomas Ferrer lit a candle and writes,
    My condolences,I'm a High School friend and will carry his memory with me always! "Go Bonner! '96" Sincerely, Thomas Ferrer
    09/20/2023 07:51 am
    Kampes family writes,
    Sending you all strength and love.
    09/24/2023 08:45 am
    Conocía a Francisco y Diane desde 1966, año en que se casaron, estuve en Filadelfia en 1966, compañero de Francisco en Spanish Navy. Mi mas sentido pésame para toda la familia de Paco.
    09/24/2023 12:39 pm
    Jaymie writes,
    Paco was a coworker and friend of mine for several years, and it’s true what is said about him, he loved his job and everyone who met him felt similarly. He always knew some random, complicated fact about a fruit, or an herb. He will be missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, whom he talked adoringly about often.
    10/12/2023 10:39 am

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