F. Arthur Brill passed away on October 10, 2021, at the age of 90. He was the only male among five children born to Minnie Jane Brumbley and Lewis Henry Brill of Whitesville, DE. Art was predeceased by his sisters: Ada Baddorf and Vicky Rhoads of Wilmington; Lena Hutchinson of Clayton; and Betty Morgan of Salisbury, Md.
Born in 1930, Art was dyslexic (reading disabled) due to birth injuries. He attended public Delaware schools in Delmar and Wilmington, graduating as Honor Society President in 1948 from Wilmington High School without benefit of special education. He earned a BS in Group Work & Community Organization magna cum laude, Springfield College, MA and was appointed Boys’ Work Secretary at the Wilmington YMCA. Two years later he became the first Executive Secretary of the new Brandywine YMCA.
Earning a MEd in Counseling at University of Delaware, Art changed to counseling as a career path – working for the Delaware Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (where he was later Director) and A.I. duPont School District. After more graduate work in reading, special education, and psychology at Temple, University of Pennsylvania, and Columbia, he worked at A.I. and other school districts as teacher, special education & reading specialist, school psychologist, and administrator.
Principal residences were Oak Hill, Carrcroft, and Cokesbury Village – all in Delaware. Once very active in Methodist and Unitarian churches and in many professional organizations, Art also enjoyed computers, travel, theater, civic activities, decorating, and – especially – gardening.
Art is survived by his wife of 67 years, Dorothy Williams Brill (of Yorklyn, DE), children Vicki Lawruk (Jay Penrose), Donald Brill (Marilyn) and son-in-law Chris Lawruk. Grandchildren are Rob Lawruk (Angela) and Samantha Rasnake (Sean). Great grandchildren are Shona Rose Rasnake, Josephine Lawruk and Willa Lawruk.