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302-478-7100 Wilmington & Hockessin, DE

Denis Alan Curran

When Elvis left the building for the final time, little did the world know that the King had inspired a Prince who would carry on his passion for performance and would be universally loved by all who knew him. Denis Curran, a.k.a. The Prince of Rock ‘n’ Roll as he we was affectionately known in local circles, carried the mantle of hip swiveling greatness in a manner that would surpass the King himself. Nobody could command a stage like him. As Shakespeare reminded us that all the world is a stage, it stands to reason that nobody could command the world quite like him. While it is sad to share that Denis died on Wednesday at his home in Hockessin, DE at the age of 70, surrounded by his wife and children, it is not his death on which he would want his family and friends to focus but rather his extraordinary life, a rockin’ life full of love, laughter, benevolence, and joy.

Denis was born and raised in Baltimore, MD. He was a graduate of Calvert Hall College where he shone on both the football and lacrosse field. He brought his athletic prowess to the University of Delaware where he was a star midfielder for the Blue Hens’ lacrosse team. His ability to move with both power and dexterity was fully on display as he dodged defenders and ripped shots past the goalie.

He graduated from University of Delaware with a Masters Degree in Education. He began his professional career as a high school English teacher, then becoming a financial advisor. He enjoyed terrific success at Janney Montgomery Scott, alongside his loyal team, The Curran Wealth Advisory Group.

As his large Irish family could attest he was a husband, a father, and a friend who put his arm around you, guided you, collaborated with you, listened to you, laughed with you, cried with you, and most of all, loved you. Despite his professional accomplishments, his identity was not reflected in his success but rather his generosity. He was one of the most humble people this world has ever known. He leaves an incredible legacy behind and changed countless lives although always under the radar. He never did things for reputation or glory; he simply did things because they were right. When asked about the secret of life and how he was able to positively impact so many lives, he responded with a single word… Love.

Denis continues to be loved by his wife Susie; his children Sean, Amy, Katie, Mac, and Sam; his grandchildren Molly, River, Aidan, Wyatt, Seth, Finn, and Gracie.

So, my dear readers, smile as you think of him, raise a glass, and crank up the volume, for Denis has finally caught up with the three men he admired most, The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, on that last train for the coast where the music is very much alive.

In lieu of flowers, we encourage donations to Urban Promise Ministry, 2401 Thatcher St., Wilmington Delaware 19802.

Funeral Services

Visitation will be held at Chandler Funeral Home 2506 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803
on Thursday and Friday from 5-7pm and funeral service will be held on Saturday at 11am at Christ Church 505 Buck Rd, Wilmington, DE 19807; joyful attire requested.


    Diana Curran lit a candle and writes,
    Denny was the big brother I never had as the eldest of six children. He called me Dinana. When I was a young girl I would spend my time on Montebello Terrace watching him play cards with his friends or watch him play his clarinet. He taught me how to shoot marbles and he ( aka Crash Curran) taught me how to drive and park my car on Elsrode Ave. One time he snuck my dear brother Tommy and I outside late at night to light fireworks under trash cans so they’d shoot up in the air. He used to go skinny dipping in the pool when we were asleep. I really developed a spiritual relationship with him back in 1997 when he was there for me during a fearful time in my life. Denny talked to me about Prayer and God and we were close ever since that day . Even two weeks ago when I was fortunate enough to spend about 8 hours in his company we talked about life, love, memories, death and God’s plan for him. I will miss playing hearts with him at the beach and swimming in the ocean and talking about everything under the sun but mostly about family. He was not one to judge and he had been humbled in this life and found a way to rise up and grow and share his enthusiasm while he danced on this good earth. The man had rhythm and everyone loved watching him sing and wiggle around on a stage. I am grateful he was my beloved Uncle Denny and I’ll miss him terribly.
    03/15/2019 09:33 pm
    Trish Seaman lit a candle and writes,
    I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on the tombstone from the beginning…to the end. He noted that first came the date of birth and spoke of the following date with tears, but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years. For that dash represents all the time that they spent alive on earth. And now only those who loved them know what that little line is worth. For it matters not, how much we own, the cars…the house…the cash. What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash. And Denny certainly spent his dash with an abundance of love, compassion and kindness. Please accept our most sincere sympathy. May Denny rest in love and peace... God Bless, Trish Karfgin-Seaman and Family (and Patsy Handley-Grant)
    03/15/2019 11:05 pm
    Susan Curran Cole lit a candle and writes,
    Denis, you were a special person on this earth and will be missed beyond words. Your love inspired me. I will never forget your kindness, love and wisdom. Rest In Peace dear Denis!
    03/15/2019 11:42 pm
    Susan Curran Cole lit a candle
    03/15/2019 11:46 pm
    John Pirisino lit a candle and writes,
    The Old Days! - I remember grade school and high school with my Best Buddy - aka Kern Dog. So, let me take you back to my fond memories of Denny. There were many guys and gals (with unusual nicknames) in our neighborhoods but Denny was the one who pulled us together. During our younger days, we played basketball and cards at his house along with many other creative activities, We traveled together throughout our school days and in his neighborhood. My fondest memory was just walking the streets in his neighborhood in the evening, singing out loud the old songs by Roy Orbison, Chicago, Elvis etc. He went onto to college in DE and our lives separated for many years, seeing him occasionally at MD bull roasts and other local events. But he was always the same, hugged you when he saw you, boisterous laugh while enjoying a joke and always asked about my family, etc. When I grew old, I started a local card game in MD with a bunch of our old friends from the old neighborhoods and we always enjoyed his company. And he truly enjoyed coming to the game. Now I can tell what I sincerely admired about my friend, his devotion, care and love he displayed to his entire family and all of his friends. He was a true reminder and example that Family and Friends and our Lord is what matters in his life. Denny, thanks for the wonderful memories and rest in peace. Your Best Buddy. John "Parti" "ST" Pirisino.
    03/16/2019 10:15 am
    Bob Davidson lit a candle
    03/16/2019 12:39 pm
    Robert Coppock lit a candle and writes,
    Rest In Peace my dear friend. You will be missed by many!! All the nice things I can think of to say to discribe the person you were would take forever to write. I don’t think I can sum them up in one word, but if I could it would be Genuine. You were just a real person full of love and caring for others, I consider myself fortunate to have been able to call you my friend.
    03/16/2019 03:46 pm
    Nancy Assero writes,
    Rest in God's peace Denny Curran.
    03/16/2019 05:22 pm
    Edward Pankowski lit a candle and writes,
    Dennis was a kind and good brother of us all at Theta Chi ....always smiling, laughing & telling tale tales .went by the nickname of “Eddie Haskell” to us Thetes ..... a kind loving father who raised a great Family .... a truly good friend who will be truly missed...May Peace be with you Denny...and your Family ❤️
    03/16/2019 06:10 pm
    Ed Pankowski lit a candle and writes,
    Dennis a frat Brother at Theta Chi and great guy ... went by the nickname of “ Eddie Haskell “ back then ...we were always smiling & laughing with Denny..,, a kind, loving guy who raised a great Family ... Many thanks for all those good years together Denny ..,,May Peace be with you and your Family ... Luvya Buddy ❤️
    03/16/2019 09:49 pm
    Linda Gazdick Angelo writes,
    Susie and family ~ I am so sorry for your loss. My husband remembers walking into homeroom every day of his freshman year at Newark High to a record player blaring and Mr. Curran dancing around the room in his leather visor. Sounds like that joyful exuberance never left him. Someone once said to me that each person's life is like a book ~ some have many pages, others just a few. While Denis' book had far fewer pages than it should have had, may you all find comfort in the memories of all the best parts.
    03/17/2019 10:52 am
    Ugo Nsofor lit a candle and writes,
    A rare gem has left us! As a foreign student who came to the this country for my graduate program, Denis (Pops as he is often called) was essentially my American Dad who opened wide his big and generous heart, and home to me and my family. I had only known him for barely 3years but it seem like a lifetime already. Dear Pops, It pains me deeply to learn of your demise but I'm consoled because I know it's a passing to glory. Had I known last Christmas was the last time I would set up Christmas trees with you, I would have taken a pause and hug you again and again and again. If I knew last Christmas would be the last time you led "T'was the night before Christmas," I would have caught it on cam. Rather than weep like those without hope, we are comforted by the realization that you lived a noble life and have gone to dwell in the house of the Lord for all eternity, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to enquire in His temple day and night. Until we meet to part no more, sing and feast with the Angel! Our prayers are with you Susie, Sean, Amy, Katie, Mac, Sam and the rest of the family! Be consoled.
    03/17/2019 03:07 pm
    Lynn Mulholland writes,
    I graduated from Glasgow High School in 1977. While there, Mr. Curran was one of my most favorite teachers. He had an enormous sense of humor and such an infectious smile. My condolences to his family as I am sure he will be greatly missed.
    03/17/2019 04:01 pm
    KenEissner writes,
    Oh my, caught our family by suprise. As was said in the obituary, Dennis was truly one of those larger then life characters. He was a young man in his twenties, and lived next door to my parents house. There was a 25 year age difference but that didn’t matter. My parents loved the Curran’s, as we all did. My mother, Janet Eissner, thought of Dennis as another son. After Dennis left teaching and found success in the financial industry, he never forgot our parents. They would stop over on Christmas for years to spend time with them. Dennis would have lunch with our mother for years when he needed her guidance that he knew she could deliver. . Dennis truly had a son by a different mother relationship with Janet. When he lived next door to us, there were countless hours of playing wiffle ball in the driveway. Though as good of an athlete as Dennis was, he could never beat my brother and me. Lol. Dennis and the Curran family will be ever intertwined with the Eissners. It is shocking to hear the Prince of Rock & Roll is gone. We are truly saddend by Dennis’s passing. For sure, more than most people in life, Dennis Curran left his mark on life. RIP Dennis.
    03/17/2019 07:45 pm
    Dianne Homan writes,
    Thinking of Susie and family at this very hard time. So sorry for your loss. -Dianne
    03/18/2019 10:48 am
    The Jackson Family writes,
    I'll miss him....Lil did we all know he was also the self-pro-claimed " shuffle board table king of Baltimore" So sorry for your loss
    03/18/2019 01:01 pm
    Mike Casey writes,
    We were buddies and brothers at U of D. He was always so full of life, so much fun, so genuine, so special.Our paths crossed over the years , but too infrequently. Whatever the time or occasion he was always the same Denny with fun, caring and joy brimming over. Wherever he is now they are all smiling and waiting for another story and hug . He will be remembered
    03/18/2019 07:26 pm
    Neil McCauley writes,
    I have two labrador retrievers… Whenever they see me I feel like the most special person in the world… That’s the way it was being around Denis… His tail was always wagging! RIP my good friend And brother in Jesus ! Can’t wait to see your tail wagging again.
    03/19/2019 09:58 am
    Ginny Curran Milanicz
    03/19/2019 10:56 am
    kelly mccauley writes,
    I didn’t see Denis often....but he treated me like I was one of his dearest friends.....I loved hearing his voice, seeing his smile, and feeling his warmth. He always made me feel happy, truly a wonderful man.. ..I will miss him. My heart aches for the Curran family I’m so sorry for your loss Kelly McCauley
    03/19/2019 11:16 am
    Jeanie Scarlett Allenby writes,
    Dear Susie and family Wish that I had known him. Have a feeling that he was good for lots of laughs. You are all so lucky to have known him. Love to you All!♥Jeanie
    03/20/2019 03:57 pm
    Dieter and Magdalene Hofmann writes,
    Sean, Sending our thoughts and prayers to your family. We just heard last Wed. and I saw the picture in the paper today. I always remember your Dad by his smile. Many memories are left behind, he will always be a part of you. Just like my Dad, he was the best Dad ever. Taught me so many things. How to work hard and be a helper. So much I am grateful for these days as I am older. I just wanted you to know how much I was thinking of you at this time. Dieter and Magdalene Hofmann
    03/20/2019 09:28 pm
    Adrienne Jacob
    03/21/2019 12:58 am
    TC James-Boone writes,
    River, sending you and your family my deepest condolences and sympathy. Indeed, your grandfather sounds like he was an amazing man. Thoughts and Prayers. Prof TCJB
    03/21/2019 03:33 pm
    Dave Dobraniecki writes,
    Denny, we had a lot of fun together while at the U of D and the Theta Chi house. You are a great man and a great friend and I will miss you. Rest in Peace.
    03/22/2019 01:16 pm
    Ada Nsofor lit a candle and writes,
    I have been most privileged to know a man like Denis who is truly kind, always cheerful and so humble even with his great accomplishments. His type is truly rare. Due to his warm and welcoming nature, he helped me get a great sense of belonging here in Newark after I relocated from Nigeria. Words can never be enough to express the magnitude of this loss, but we rejoice that heaven has gained another angel. Denis may be absent physically but I know he's still present with us spiritually, the loving family he created whom are around us is daily proof of that. Rest on, great man. May God comfort all the heavy hearts in Jesus name, Amen. - Ada Nsofor
    03/23/2019 08:25 am
    Roberta and Gary Gredell lit a candle and writes,
    We send our condolences to the Curran family. With Sympathy, Gary and Roberta Gredell
    03/26/2019 02:02 pm
    Doug Hill writes,
    Doug Hill writes, Denny Curran played the character of Luther Billis in the Newark School District faculty production of the award winning Broadway musical "South Pacific." He was cast in the perfect role and stole the show. I knew Denny well for a short time in the early and mid 1970s. We were faculty colleagues at Newark High School, were introduced to the world of stage performance in Polly Bray's production of "South Pacific," and tried to make a fortune together in an investment club that Denny created and led (we didn't get rich but the experience was outstanding). I remember Denny as a popular and talented high school teacher who had a special knack for connecting with kids who didn't connect very well. When more than teaching talent was needed, his energy and compassion usually carried the day. Given the right breaks and contacts he could have been become a successful stage or screen actor. He had those special qualities but he also had the savvy to understand the odds of success in that field. And I remember those first meetings of the investment club he created - everyone in attendance knew that Denny had made the right choice for his next career after teaching. Our paths diverged as new jobs and children entered our lives and we only connected a few more times as the years moved on. But for a while, in our early and mid 20s, we were friends and I look back on those years with great affection. To the Curran family and friends, my sincere sympathy and condolences for your loss.
    04/11/2019 11:32 pm

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